Yunnan Artist Community


47.0 ha
610,000 sqm


Yunnan artist garden will not only be a haven for artists, providing space for creation, living, communication and recreation, but will also become a living museum of arts. It will protect city memories, activate the surrounding creative industry and will become an important cultural and social centre within the city. Yunnan Province enjoys abundant natural and cultural resources. The combination of a wide variety of ethnic groups and fine weather contribute to Yunnan people’s unique cultural attitude of openness and contentment and also creates a diversity of culture and arts. There is therefore a steady flow of inspiration for artists.

The project site is in a prime location adjacent to Dian Lake with access to two wetland parks and the Baoxiang River passing through. It is also located close to the old town of Guandu and Yunxiu academia, which gives the opportunity to create a strong cultural brand for the site.

“As good as water”. Water is the origin of both life and culture. Our proposal investigates the deep meaning of water culture and aims to satisfy the particular spatial needs of artists. The aim is to create spaces which allow people to connect with nature. In our proposal Baoxiang River represents the memory of the city’s history. It is a source of artistic inspiration where both locals and people from further afield can communicate and create together. The design centres around the river with riverside open spaces, a water and park system and a landscape axis that all help to integrate the river into the residential areas of the design. This proposal also tries to integrate the abundant natural resources in the garden, connecting them with local cultural facilities and residential areas. The proposal aims to create flexible, adaptable spaces allowing freedom for the artists’ imagination and creativity.